Your Missing Brain Cells, Found.

Scan your syllabus in one swoop.
Export your deadlines to
Simulate your grading with magic.
Toss all your materials into a tidy binder.
Ask your binder anything—like having a 24/7, no-nonsense study buddy.
(Working on these🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️)
Documents Processed
Happy Students

Zap, Zip, Zoom—No More Syllabus Doom!

My courses

No syllabus scanned yet.
You can create an to save and load scanned syllabus.
I mean you can scan a syllabus first or login to find yours.

Because 3 a.m. Panics Are So Last Semester

You juggle classes, extracurriculars, part-time jobs, and endless to-do lists. Meanwhile, your syllabus is buried under half a dozen browser tabs. Cue Syllabase—the platform that makes your academic chaos feel oh-so-manageable. One binder at a time.

Never miss a deadline!

Important dates, grading breakdown, and policies—auto-magically pulled for you.

Grade Me!

See how that pop quiz might affect your GPA without the heartbreak. Check your best-worst-case scenarios, so you know if you can skip Netflix binge and actually study (or keep on binging—no judgments👀👀👀).

Get Binderized!

No more searching old email threads or rummaging through random PDF stacks. Create “binders” for each course and store notes, slides, policies, and more in one cozy place.

Coming Soon

Ask Away (Because that PDF Never Answers Back)

Because sometimes you just need a quick answer without re-reading that 40-page PDF.

Coming Soon

Snag Your Spot—We’ll Ping You, Promise.

Be the first to wrangle your deadlines, simulate your grades, and finally give your syllabus a break. We'll let you know soon and shoot you a friendly "it's go time!" and poof—you're in.

Sign up now and secure your front-row seat to a stress-free semester!